‘Evil will always thrive if men do not oppose it.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Jeremiah, Bloodstone
‘Evil will always thrive if men do not oppose it.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Jeremiah, Bloodstone
‘If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Gareth Archer, Bloodstone
‘Winning is not the point. If a man only fought when he believed there was a chance to win, evil would beat him every time.‘
– Varey Shannow, to Jon Shannow, Blood Stone
‘You can only show the way and it is for others to follow the path.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Con Griffin, Wolf in Shadow
‘You are very wise. Life changes – and not always for the better. It is the mark of a man how he copes with that fact. I think you will cope well, for you are strong; stronger than you think.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Eric, Wolf in Shadow
‘People say we no longer live in an age of miracles. It is not so. What has been lost is our ability to see them.’
– The Deacon, The Wisdom of the Deacon, Bloodstone
‘None of us is perfect. At least you tried to walk the road.’
– Jon Shannow, to The Parson, The Last Guardian
‘But for all people, life is like a river. One man steps into it and finds it is cool and sweet and gentle. Another enters and finds it shallow and cold and unwelcoming. Still another finds it a rushing torrent that bears him on to many perils; this last man cannot easily change his course.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Beth McAdam, The Last Guardian
‘All will fade one day, but until that day I will retain an interest in things of this world – things that I do not understand, but which I sense have a bearing on what we have become.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Batik, Wolf In Shadow