‘You are not an evil man. Do not allow one mistake to poison your feelings of self worth.’
– Derae, to Parmenion, Dark Prince
‘You are not an evil man. Do not allow one mistake to poison your feelings of self worth.’
– Derae, to Parmenion, Dark Prince
‘Foolish regret weighs more than iron. Every man alive makes mistakes; that’s how he learns. Only the weakling talks of life’s unfairness, or claims he is jinxed by bad luck. The strong man shrugs his shoulders and walks on.’
– Aubertain, to Owen Odell, Morningstar
‘There is no genuine satisfaction in revenge. All a man unleashes is a beast which will destroy even those he loves.’
– Asmidir, to Ballistar, Ironhand’s Daughter
‘Courage remains, even when youth has faded.’
– Talisman, to Quing-chin, The Legend of Deathwalker
‘Sometimes – most times – we don’t get what we want. Rarely do we even get what we deserve. We get what we get. That’s it. Yesterday is gone. It will never come again. Tomorrow hasn’t happened yet. What we have is now. And do you know what is real? This is real. We are real. And at this moment we are all there is.’
– Palima, to Bison, Winter Warriors