‘It comes down to this, my dear. Every action we take has many consequences, some for good, some for evil.‘
– Tamis, to Derae, Dark Prince/p>
‘It comes down to this, my dear. Every action we take has many consequences, some for good, some for evil.‘
– Tamis, to Derae, Dark Prince/p>
‘For only the good can know guilt, and you are not evil.‘
– Lady, to Parmenion, Dark Prince
‘We none of us know where our actions will lead. That is why the followers of the Source must not use the weapons of evil. Everything we do must be governed by love.‘
– Tamis, to Derea, Dark Prince
‘To judge a man purely by his blood-line is folly. I have known the sons of cowards to be valorous, and sons of thieves who cold be trusted with the treasure of nations. Such treachery is not of the blood, but of the soul.‘
– Parmenion, to Cleander, Dark Prince
‘You are not an evil man. Do not allow one mistake to poison your feelings of self worth.’
– Derae, to Parmenion, Dark Prince
‘Comfort, I find, is more to do with the spirit than the softness of beds.’
– Parmenion, to Mothac, Dark Prince
‘Once there was a city under siege. The enemy King said that he would spare the city if the inhabitants took a single babe and sacrificed it to him on the battlements. Now the city could not hold against him and surely, it was argued, the slaying of a single babe would be better than seeing all the babes of the city killed then the attacker breached the walls.
But they understood that you do not turn aside a great evil by allowing a small one to be committed. Evil grows. Give way once and you will give away again… and again.’
– Tamis, to Derae, Dark Prince
‘The losers are always evil, for it is the victors who sing the songs that become history.‘
– Gorgon, to Alexander, Dark Prince