‘It comes down to this, my dear. Every action we take has many consequences, some for good, some for evil.‘
– Tamis, to Derae, Dark Prince/p>
‘It comes down to this, my dear. Every action we take has many consequences, some for good, some for evil.‘
– Tamis, to Derae, Dark Prince/p>
‘One day, perhaps you too will be old, your skin dry and mottled, your teeth loose in your jaws. But inside you will be as you always were – except that you will find yourself trapped in a decaying shell.‘
– Tamis, to Parmenion, Lion of Macedon
‘Women! They bring out the worst and the best in any man.‘
– Philip, to his guards, Lion of Macedon
‘Are the gods swayed because of faked tears and wailing? I would doubt it. Good men have died unmourned and unnoticed, while some of consummate evil have had thousands of mourners at their funerals. It is pleasant to believe that the gods are a little more discerning than men.‘
– Xenophon, to Parmenion, Lion of Macedon
‘We all carry grief, my friend. Someone once told me that all the seas are but the Tears of Time, shed for the loss of loved ones. It may not be true, but I like the sentiment.‘
– Parmenion, to Mothac, Lion of Macedon
‘But this is a cruel world. All any man – or woman – can expect is a little happiness.‘
– Xenophon, to Parmenion, Lion of Macedon
‘I learned a long time ago never to give in to despair. Fortune may be fickle, but she loves a man who tries and tries again.‘
– Parmenion, to Philip, Lion of Macedon
‘Strength and weakness, my friend, often seem as close as husband and wife. We are strong because we are proud. We are weak because our pride never allowed us to grow.’
– Agisaleus, to Xenophon, Lion of Macedon
‘Yet I was wise once, I knew many secrets. But all wisdom is folly. We think we manipulate, but we are being manipulated. We think we have power, but we are as leaves in a storm. We do good works, that lead to evil. All is confusion. All is vanity.’
– Tamis, to Derae, Lion of Macedon
‘There are many kinds of beauty, my lady, and not all of them fade as swiftly as the flesh.’
– Parmenion, to Olympias, Lion of Macedon