‘Women! They bring out the worst and the best in any man.‘
– Philip, to his guards, Lion of Macedon
‘Women! They bring out the worst and the best in any man.‘
– Philip, to his guards, Lion of Macedon
‘“I underestimated you, woman.” The cry of men down the ages.‘
– Renya, to Tenaka Khan, The King Beyond the Gate
‘You do not understand the world. Men like to think they control it but this is nonsense. Women rule, they always have. They tell a man he is god-like. The man believes them and is in their thrall. For without them to tell him, he becomes merely a man.’
– Prasamaccus, to Laitha, Ghost King
‘Arguing with women offers no reward. They are always right.‘
– Prasamaccus, to Thuro, Ghost King