‘It is not hard to become a legend. It is what follows when you have to live like one./em>’
– Ulric, to Tenaka Khan, The King Beyond the Gate
‘It is not hard to become a legend. It is what follows when you have to live like one./em>’
– Ulric, to Tenaka Khan, The King Beyond the Gate
‘“I underestimated you, woman.” The cry of men down the ages.‘
– Renya, to Tenaka Khan, The King Beyond the Gate
‘A man makes mistakes, but he lives by them. Foolish it may be, on occasion. But in the main it is the only way to live. We are what we say, only so long as our words are iron.‘
– Tenaka Khan, to Ingis, The King Beyond the Gate
‘All things in the world are created for Man, yet all have two purposes. The waters run that we might drink of them, but they are also symbols of the futility of Man. They reflect our lives in rushing beauty, birthed in the purity of mountains. As babes they babble and run, gushing and growing as they mature into strong young rivers. Then they widen and slow until at last they meander, like old men, to join with the sea. And like the souls of men in the Nethervoid, they mix and mingle until the sun lifts them again as raindrops to fall upon the mountains.’
– Asta Khan, to Tenaka Khan, The King Beyond the Gate
‘A man must stand against evil wherever he finds it and he must use all his talents.‘
– Tenaka Khan, to Scaler, The King Beyond the Gate
‘This is your path and you must walk it like a man. You were born to walk it.‘
– Ulric, to Tenaka Khan, The King Beyond The Gate
‘The wise man was called Kias. He said that too many people go through life without pausing to enjoy what they have and he told me of a man who was given a clay jug by a friend. The friend said, “Examine it when you have the time.” But it was just a simple clay jug and the man put it aside and forged on with his life, spending his time acquiring riches. One day, when he was old, he took the jug and opened it. Within it was a huge diamond. Kias claimed that life was like that clay jug. Unless we examined it and understood it, we could not enjoy it.‘
– Tenaka Khan, to Renya, The King Beyond The Gate