‘It is not hard to become a legend. It is what follows when you have to live like one./em>’
– Ulric, to Tenaka Khan, The King Beyond the Gate
‘It is not hard to become a legend. It is what follows when you have to live like one./em>’
– Ulric, to Tenaka Khan, The King Beyond the Gate
‘A strong man makes his own way in the world. He does not ask others to do what he fears himself./em>’
– Kebra, to Conalin, Winter Warriors
‘When in doubt, do what is right, girl.‘
– Keeva’s Uncle, to Keeva Taliana, Hero in the Shadows
‘You may think life is sweet now, but when death is a heartbeat away then life becomes unbearably desirable.‘
– Druss, to the soldiers of Dros Delnoch, Legend
‘When the day comes that you don’t wish to hear the truth from me, you merely have to say.‘
– Nogusta, to Kebra, Winter Warriors
‘Yesterday is gone. It will never come again. Tomorrow hasn’t happened yet. What we have is now.‘
– Palima, to Bison, Winter Warriors
‘There is nothing a man cannot achieve if he has the will, the strength and the courage to attempt it.‘
– Druss, to Borcha, The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend