‘You can only show the way and it is for others to follow the path.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Con Griffin, Wolf in Shadow
‘You can only show the way and it is for others to follow the path.‘
– Jon Shannow, to Con Griffin, Wolf in Shadow
‘All life is cruel, is it not? A man must rise above his grief.‘
– Ulric, to Druss, The Legend of Deathwalker
‘I’ve known a lot of men in my time whose deeds are forgotten, but who were worthy of remembrance in song or tale.‘
– Druss, to Archytas, The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend
‘The gift of love is priceless. You are a better man for having loved her, and for having been loved by her. Let the grief flow by all means. But rid yourself of the guilt. You have nothing to feel guilty about.‘
– Skilgannon, to Harad, The Swords of Night and Day