‘Without the darkness of night how can we fully appreciate the glory of the sunrise?‘
– Gamal, to Skilgannon, The Swords of Night and Day
‘Without the darkness of night how can we fully appreciate the glory of the sunrise?‘
– Gamal, to Skilgannon, The Swords of Night and Day
‘And now I am going to tell you a great truth, and if you are wise you will take it to your heart. All men are stupid. They are full of fear and insecurity – it makes them weak. Always the other man seems stronger, more confident, more capable. It is a lie of the worst kind, for we lie to ourselves.‘
– Pagan, to Scaler, The King Beyond the Gate
‘Always listen to fear. Never be ruled by it. Fear is like a cowardly friend. His advice is not always wrong, but, given the chance, he will drag you down into the pit he dwells in.‘
– Jaim Grymauch, to Kaelin Ring, Ravenheart
‘A man must stand against evil wherever he finds it and he must use all his talents.‘
– Tenaka Khan, to Scaler, The King Beyond the Gate
‘My father told me never to be a part of anything that lacked honour. He once said to me that there was no greater satisfaction for a man than to be able to look in a mirror while shaving, and be proud of what he saw.‘
– Premian, to Jomil, The Legend of Deathwalker