‘Nothing more foolish than a man in love. Or more grand.‘
– Chain Shada, to Kaelin Ring, Ravenheart
‘Nothing more foolish than a man in love. Or more grand.‘
– Chain Shada, to Kaelin Ring, Ravenheart
‘My father always told me that life was nothing but memories. He was right. As each moment passes it becomes history. He thought it was important to hold on to every moment, savouring it. He often talked of good times past, and hoped that the future would supply more golden memories. The truth is, though, that memories are only golden when shared; when you can say to a loved one, ‘Do you remember that walk by the orchard grove when first we held hands?” She will smile and say “Of course I do, you old fool.” That is the joy of memories. When Katra died she took half my life with her, and now the memory of the orchard is at best bittersweet. Ah, I am getting old and I talk too much.‘
– Senlic Carpenter, to Kaelin Ring, Ravenheart
‘Every man has his talent. There is no shame in being beaten by a man who has mastered his craft. It doesn’t make him a better man.’
– Jaim Grymauch, to Kaelin Ring, Ravenheart
‘It is often said that war brings out the best and the worst in men.’
– The Wyrd of Wishing Tree Woods, to Kaelin Ring and Rayster, Stormrider
‘Always listen to fear. Never be ruled by it. Fear is like a cowardly friend. His advice is not always wrong, but, given the chance, he will drag you down into the pit he dwells in.‘
– Jaim Grymauch, to Kaelin Ring, Ravenheart
‘You will see evil deeds, and you will feel what you believe to be righteous rage swelling in your hearts. Such righteous rage is a lie. See it for what it is. A deceiver, a trick to allow us to become as vile as those we fight.‘
– The Wyrd of Wishing Tree Woods, to Kaelin Ring, Ravenheart
‘Look around you. Soak in these mountains, the silence and the beauty of the lake. Draw in the air, fresh and cold from the peaks, and scented now with the early flowers of spring. This is the land. As it should be. Carry it with you in your hearts.’
– The Wyrd of Wishing Tree Woods, to Kaelin Ring, Stormrider