‘There is so much sadness and hate in the world. It would be a terrible thing if love was an illusion.‘
– Kiall, to Tanaki, Quest for Lost Heroes
‘There is so much sadness and hate in the world. It would be a terrible thing if love was an illusion.‘
– Kiall, to Tanaki, Quest for Lost Heroes
‘For what does it profit a man if he gain the world, and yet lose his soul? What is wealth without love?‘
– The Parson, to a crowd, The Last Guardian
‘Nothing more foolish than a man in love. Or more grand.‘
– Chain Shada, to Kaelin Ring, Ravenheart
‘Once true love touches your heart you will understand. It has a power beyond any magic in the world.‘
– Skilgannon, to Askari, The Swords of Night and Day
‘We none of us know where our actions will lead. That is why the followers of the Source must not use the weapons of evil. Everything we do must be governed by love.‘
– Tamis, to Derea, Dark Prince
‘Of course love is dangerous and wild and irresponsible. By Heaven, that’s what makes it so wonderful!‘
– Necklen, to Karis, Dark Moon
‘All of us are capable of great compassion and love, or hatred and horror. Sadly we can take joy from both.‘
– Argurios, to Atreus, Lord of the Silver Bow
‘It is a strange thing about some men. In matters of business or war, they can be giants; wise to a fault. In matters of the heart, they are like children.‘
– Ananais, to Renya, The King Beyond The Gate