‘Why would my pride be hurt? I did my best.‘
– Fell, to Sigarni, Ironhand’s Daughter
‘I am an arrogant man, my friend, but it is not an arrogance born of false pride. I know what I am, and I know what I am capable of.‘
– Klay, to Druss, The Legend of Deathwalker
‘He is a man of great pride. And that pride is well founded, for he is a fair, brave and honest man. It means much to him that others see he has these qualities. For they are rare, and hard won. It is not easy to be honourable. The world is full of cunning, crafty men who have no understanding of honour or loyalty. They connive, they steal, and invariably, in the eyes of the world, they succeed. To be honest requires great effort, and continuous courage. And as for fairness, that is hardest of all.‘
– Banouin, to Connavar, Sword in the Storm
‘Such thoughts are for the young. Pride is everything, status must be fought for. It is all empty and meaningless. It is ephemeral. Like the leaf on the oak tree. “Look at me, I am the greenest leaf, the biggest leaf, the finest leaf. None of the other leaves has my majesty.” Yet autumn beckons, and winter mocks all the leaves, the great and the green, the small and the stunted.’
– Kysumu, to Waylander, Hero in the Shadows
‘Strength and weakness, my friend, often seem as close as husband and wife. We are strong because we are proud. We are weak because our pride never allowed us to grow.’
– Agisaleus, to Xenophon, Lion of Macedon
‘My father told me never to be a part of anything that lacked honour. He once said to me that there was no greater satisfaction for a man than to be able to look in a mirror while shaving, and be proud of what he saw.‘
– Premian, to Jomil, The Legend of Deathwalker
‘There are, it seems to me, two kinds of pride. One urges a man to disguise his shortcomings for fear of looking foolish. The second spurs him on to eliminate those shortcomings.‘
– Owen Odell, to himself, Morningstar
‘You’ll hear people say that pride is a sin. Ignore them. Pride is vital. Not excessive pride, mind you. That is merely arrogant stupidity. No, being proud of yourself is what counts. Do nothing that is mean and spiteful, petty or cruel. And never give way to evil, no matter what the cost. Be proud, girl. Stand tall.‘
– Keeva’s Uncle, to Keeva Taliana, Hero in the Shadows
‘Fear is an aid to the warrior. It is like a small fire burning. It heats the muscles, making us stronger. Panic comes when the fire is out of control, consuming all courage and pride.‘
– Andromache, to Kassandra, Lord of the Silver Bow
‘These seeds are from the foxglove flower. A tiny amount of them can give a dying heart fresh life. Like a miracle. But just a pinch too much and they become the deadliest poison. Pride is like that. Too little and a man has no sense of self-worth. The world will wear him down to dust. Too much and he becomes arrogant, vain and boastful. But just enough and he is a man to walk the mountains with.‘
– Vorna, to Connavar, Sword In The Storm