‘Learning should be fun. Indeed, so should life. The gods know it is short enough.‘
– Banouin, to Connavar, Sword in the Storm
‘Learning should be fun. Indeed, so should life. The gods know it is short enough.‘
– Banouin, to Connavar, Sword in the Storm
‘Confidence is to be applauded, arrogance avoided.‘
– Banouin, to Connavar, Sword in the Storm
‘That is one of the great advantages of having friends. You can unburden your soul to them and they will not judge you for it. Nor will they repeat what you have said.‘
– Banouin, to Connavar, Sword in the Storm
‘He is a man of great pride. And that pride is well founded, for he is a fair, brave and honest man. It means much to him that others see he has these qualities. For they are rare, and hard won. It is not easy to be honourable. The world is full of cunning, crafty men who have no understanding of honour or loyalty. They connive, they steal, and invariably, in the eyes of the world, they succeed. To be honest requires great effort, and continuous courage. And as for fairness, that is hardest of all.‘
– Banouin, to Connavar, Sword in the Storm
‘Last night is but a memory now. Tomorrow is yet to be born. Life is now! This very moment.‘
– Bane, to Banouin, Midnight Falcon
‘Understand this: you cannot conquer fear by running away from it.’
– The Morrigu, to Banouin, Midnight Falcon
‘But hatred never dies. We plant the seeds of hate with every action inspired by it.’
– Banouin, to Connavar, Sword in the Storm
‘You never live in the now. You are always thinking back over some past tragedy, or looking ahead to some distant dream. It is no way to live one’s life.’
– Bane, to Banouin, Midnight Falcon
‘A good craftsman can create a masterpiece in four or five years. A fool with a hammer can destroy it in a few heartbeats.’
– The Morrigu, to Banouin, Midnight Falcon
‘It is the nature of weak men to see their weaknesses as strengths and other men’s strengths as weaknesses or stupidities.’
– The Morrigu, to Banouin, Midnight Falcon