‘You are right, though, in that not one of us is responsible for the happiness of others. Ironically, we can be responsible for another’s unhappiness.‘
– Odysseus, to Andromache, Lord of the Silver Bow
‘You are right, though, in that not one of us is responsible for the happiness of others. Ironically, we can be responsible for another’s unhappiness.‘
– Odysseus, to Andromache, Lord of the Silver Bow
‘Fear cannot be trusted. It exaggerates everything. It is both treacherous and dishonest.‘
– Andromache, to herself, Fall of Kings
‘My happiness is not in the gift of others. I will be happy, or I will not be happy. No man will supply it, or deprive me of it.’
– Andromache, to Odysseus, Lord of the Silver Bow
‘Fear is an aid to the warrior. It is like a small fire burning. It heats the muscles, making us stronger. Panic comes when the fire is out of control, consuming all courage and pride.‘
– Andromache, to Kassandra, Lord of the Silver Bow
‘Warriors fear surrender. They are proud and defiant. They will fight to the death for what they believe in. They will struggle to conquer. Love is not about conquest. The truth is a man can only find true love when he surrenders to it. When he opens his heart to the partner of his soul and says: “Here it is! The very essence of me! It is yours to nurture or destroy.”‘
– Odysseus, to Andromache, Lord Of The Silver Bow
‘I may be stupid, as you say, to believe in honour and friendship and loyalty without price. But these are virtues to be cherished, for without them we are no more than beasts roaming the land.‘
– Andromache, to Hekabe, Shield of Thunder