‘Why would my pride be hurt? I did my best.‘
– Fell, to Sigarni, Ironhand’s Daughter
‘There is no genuine satisfaction in revenge. All a man unleashes is a beast which will destroy even those he loves.’
– Asmidir, to Ballistar, Ironhand’s Daughter
‘How does evil grow? What makes it appear in a human heart, growing like a weed among blooms? I tell you. It is born from anger and injustice, from resentment and jealousy.’
– Kollarin, to the clan children, Ironhand’s Daughter
‘Life is to be lived, boy. Without danger there is no life.’
– Gwalchmai, to Fell, Ironhand’s Daughter
‘No regrets. Not ever. We win, we lose. The mountains do not care.‘
– Sigarni, to Caswollon, The Hawk Eternal
‘Sometimes life can be needlessly cruel. You have witnessed such a time. Evil does not grow from the head of a devil with horns – if it did we would all run from it. It springs from an angry word, and settles in the ears of the hearers. It can grow almost unnoticed until it flowers in rage and envy, jealousy and greed. The next time you have an angry thought about a clan brother or sister, remember this.‘
– Kollarin, to the clan children, Ironhand’s Daughter
‘All roads lead to death. It is inescapable. Even so, there is a right path. If you cannot recognize it, then you must find a man already upon it and follow him. You will know. Let the heart-light shine. It will lead the way.‘
– Ironhand’s Ghost, to Obrin, Ironhand’s Daughter