‘You have honour and principles. You are a great man. It doesn’t matter about the past. You are who you are, regardless of it.‘
– Yu Yu Liang, to Kysumu, Hero in the Shadows
‘You have honour and principles. You are a great man. It doesn’t matter about the past. You are who you are, regardless of it.‘
– Yu Yu Liang, to Kysumu, Hero in the Shadows
‘Such thoughts are for the young. Pride is everything, status must be fought for. It is all empty and meaningless. It is ephemeral. Like the leaf on the oak tree. “Look at me, I am the greenest leaf, the biggest leaf, the finest leaf. None of the other leaves has my majesty.” Yet autumn beckons, and winter mocks all the leaves, the great and the green, the small and the stunted.’
– Kysumu, to Waylander, Hero in the Shadows
‘Fame is fleeting, but love and hate are eternal. I may be but a small leaf in the wind of history, but I will stand against evil wherever I find it, no matter the cost. The demon I slay will not descend upon the home of a farmer and murder his family. The bandit who falls beneath my sword will never again rape or kill or plunder. If my death saves a single soul from pain and anguish then it is a price worth paying.’
– Kysumu, to Waylander, Hero in the Shadows
‘When I see birds flying south I know winter is coming. They do not need to be large birds.‘
– Kysumu, to Waylander, Hero in the Shadows
‘You have honour and principles. You are a great man. It doesn’t matter about the past. You are who you are, regardless of it. When I first began to dig trenches they told us the foundations needed to be four feet deep. When the first earthquake hit, all our new buildings crumbled. Foundations should have been six feet deep, you see. All that digging just to make an unsafe house. But it didn’t make me a bad digger. I was a great digger. A legend among diggers.‘
– Yu Yu Liang, to Kysumu, Hero in the Shadows
‘Fame is fleeting, but love and hate are eternal. I may be but a small leaf in the wind of history, but I will stand against evil wherever I find it, no matter the cost.‘
– Kysumu, to Waylander, Hero in the Shadows