‘The past is dead, the future largely unwritten.‘
– Eskodas, to Varsava, The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend
‘The past is dead, the future largely unwritten.‘
– Eskodas, to Varsava, The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend
‘My old swordmaster used to talk about the Now. It is all there is. The past is a memory, the future a dream, the present a reality. All we can ever do is live in the Now, and try to ensure that our deeds are worthy.‘
– Skilgannon, to Askari, The Swords of Night and Day
‘The past is dead and gone. You cannot change it. The future waits.‘
– Eriatha, to Connavar, Sword In The Storm
‘You have honour and principles. You are a great man. It doesn’t matter about the past. You are who you are, regardless of it.‘
– Yu Yu Liang, to Kysumu, Hero in the Shadows
‘You are a man, so stop running from the past and fearing the future. All we have is the Now. All we will ever have is the Now.’
– Arian, to Llaw Gyffes, Knights of Dark Renown
‘You have honour and principles. You are a great man. It doesn’t matter about the past. You are who you are, regardless of it. When I first began to dig trenches they told us the foundations needed to be four feet deep. When the first earthquake hit, all our new buildings crumbled. Foundations should have been six feet deep, you see. All that digging just to make an unsafe house. But it didn’t make me a bad digger. I was a great digger. A legend among diggers.‘
– Yu Yu Liang, to Kysumu, Hero in the Shadows