‘A man is what he knows. But his soul will yearn for all that he does not know, for hidden there is all he may become.‘
– The Dagda, to Nuada, Knights of Dark Renown
‘A man is what he knows. But his soul will yearn for all that he does not know, for hidden there is all he may become.‘
– The Dagda, to Nuada, Knights of Dark Renown
‘You have only seen part of the circle, for that is what it is. Good and evil chase each other round and round. If you join the circle in the wrong place, you will find evil triumphant. But continue on the journey and you will see it lose, and win again, and lose… for eternity.‘
– Gwydion, to Làmfhada, Knights of Dark Renown
‘Never give up, boy, that’s the answer. It’s what separates man from the beasts in the herd.‘
– Elodan, to Làmfhada, Knights of Dark Renown
‘A man is a complex beast and his soul is like a sponge, drawing in emotions in a random manner. Strike him and he becomes angry, his soul Red as blood. Feed him, stroke him, make love to him – and his soul softens, blurs, changes.‘
– The Dagda, to Nuada, Knights of Dark Renown
‘You are a man, so stop running from the past and fearing the future. All we have is the Now. All we will ever have is the Now.’
– Arian, to Llaw Gyffes, Knights of Dark Renown
‘What can I do, when I am small and weak? Why should I not steal a little, everyone else does? Why should I try to be pure, when it leaves me poor and disregarded? How can I change the world? Yet all ideas, for good or evil, start in the heart of a single man or woman. From there they spread, one to one, two to two, a hundred to a hundred.’
– Gwydion, to Làmfhada, Knights of Dark Renown