‘It comes down to this, my dear. Every action we take has many consequences, some for good, some for evil.‘
– Tamis, to Derae, Dark Prince/p>
‘It comes down to this, my dear. Every action we take has many consequences, some for good, some for evil.‘
– Tamis, to Derae, Dark Prince/p>
‘You have only seen part of the circle, for that is what it is. Good and evil chase each other round and round. If you join the circle in the wrong place, you will find evil triumphant. But continue on the journey and you will see it lose, and win again, and lose… for eternity.‘
– Gwydion, to Làmfhada, Knights of Dark Renown
‘Do you believe that good can only exist in pure surroundings, untouched by the world’s darkness? What value would there be in that?‘
– Astiana, to Owen Odell, Morningstar
‘All life is balanced. Light and dark, weak and strong, good and evil. The harmony of nature. In perpetual darkness all plants would die. In perpetual sunlight they would wither and burn. The balance is everything.‘
– Revelation, to Cotta, Last Sword of Power
‘You humans amuse me. When someone is evil you need to demonize them. He is a monster, you say. No, he is merely a man who has given in to the evils of his nature. All of you have a potential for evil, and for good. Much depends on the stimuli applied.‘
– Ustarte, to Skilgannon, White Wolf
‘Sadly, the good do not always conquer.‘
– Talisman, to Zhusai, The Legend of Deathwalker
‘You talk about countering evil, and in essence that is a question of balance. But the scales are not merely linear. A great great amount of evil does not necessarily require an equivalent amount of good to equalise the balance.’
– Pendarric, to Galead, Last Sword of Power
‘You cannot eradicate evil, for without it how would we judge what is good? And if there is no greed, no lust, no baleful desires, what has a man achieved who becomes good? There would then be no mountains to climb.’
– Pendarric, to Ruth, Wolf in Shadow
‘Any good that I may do, let me do it now, for I may not pass this way again.’
– A quotation from an ancient writing, The Legend of Deathwalker
‘Do you believe that good can only exist in pure surroundings, untouched by the world’s darkness? What value would there be in that? Virtue is like a ring of gold. It does not matter where you place it, in a swamp or a cowpat; it will remain gold, untarnished. Lesser metals are corroded, ruined, corrupted. Not gold. The true heart remains true.‘
– Astiana, to Owen Odell, Morningstar