‘What better way of dealing with enemies than making them your friends?‘
– Caterix, to Galead, Last Sword of Power
‘What better way of dealing with enemies than making them your friends?‘
– Caterix, to Galead, Last Sword of Power
‘A great great amount of evil does not necessarily require an equivalent amount of good to equalise the balance.‘
– Pendarric, to Galead, Last Sword of Power
‘You talk about countering evil, and in essence that is a question of balance. But the scales are not merely linear. A great great amount of evil does not necessarily require an equivalent amount of good to equalise the balance.’
– Pendarric, to Galead, Last Sword of Power
‘What better way of dealing with enemies than making them your friends?’
– Caterix, to Galead, Last Sword of Power
‘I have discovered a wonderful truth in my long life: those who seek with a pure heart usually find what they are looking for.‘
– Pendarric, to Galead, Last Sword of Power
‘Peace does not rest within a realm, or a city, or a town, or even a crofter’s hut. But then you know this.‘
– Pendarric, to Galead, Last Sword Of Power