‘You may think life is sweet now, but when death is a heartbeat away then life becomes unbearably desirable.‘
– Druss, to the soldiers of Dros Delnoch, Legend
‘You may think life is sweet now, but when death is a heartbeat away then life becomes unbearably desirable.‘
– Druss, to the soldiers of Dros Delnoch, Legend
‘There is nothing a man cannot achieve if he has the will, the strength and the courage to attempt it.‘
– Druss, to Borcha, The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend
‘There are some things no man can run from.‘
– Druss, to the crowd at an inn near Skultik, Legend
‘An old soldier – a good friend of mine – once told me that he who fears to lose will never win. And it’s true.‘
– Druss, to Gilad, Legend
‘The truth is a strange animal, laddie. It seems to vary from man to man.‘
– Druss, to Dun Elicas, Legend
‘A man’s strength is ultimately born of his knowledge of his own weakness.‘
– Druss, to himself, Legend
‘I like the cold. It’s like pain – it tells you you’re alive.‘
– Druss, to Gilad, Legend
‘Everyone dies. Even you and I. It is not your fault.‘
– Sieben, to Druss, The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend