‘A man’s strength is ultimately born of his knowledge of his own weakness.‘
– Druss, to himself, Legend
‘A man’s strength is ultimately born of his knowledge of his own weakness.‘
– Druss, to himself, Legend
‘Still, anger is a better emotion than sorrow. Anger is alive and can be dealth with. Sorrow is a dead creature and sits like a weight that cannot be released.‘
– Nogusta, to himself, Winter Warriors
‘It’s a terrible truth, but no one understands death until it reaches out and touches someone close; until you stand at a bedside staring at sunken eyes and total immobility.’
– Jeremy Miller, to himself, Rhyming Rings
‘I keep being told there’s a paradise for them that believes, but I’m sort of hoping there’s a paradise for them that don’t know.’
– Con Griffin, to himself, Wolf in Shadow
‘A man with his eyes on the sky does not see the scorpion below his feet. A man with his eyes on the ground does not see the dragon in the air.‘
– Joachim Sathuli, to himself, Legend
‘I do not mean to sound morbid, but there is something sweet and uplifting about grief. The tears of loved ones are more powerful than any epitaph on a man’s life.‘
– Owen Odell, to himself, Morningstar
‘The philosophers often talked of lies sitting on the tongue like salted honey. This was true enough. But more often the hidden truth was worse. Far worse. For it settled in the belly and grew to engulf the spirit.‘
– Serbitar, to himself, Legend
‘We can excuse a demon who stalks the night seeking blood. It is his nature, he was created for just such a purpose. But not a man who by day commits acts of murder and by night returns home to be a good, loving husband and father. For that is evil of a monstrous kind, and casts doubt upon us all.‘
– Owen Odell, to himself, Morningstar