‘When the day comes that you don’t wish to hear the truth from me, you merely have to say.‘
– Nogusta, to Kebra, Winter Warriors
‘When the day comes that you don’t wish to hear the truth from me, you merely have to say.‘
– Nogusta, to Kebra, Winter Warriors
‘The truth is a strange animal, laddie. It seems to vary from man to man.‘
– Druss, to Dun Elicas, Legend
‘A man makes mistakes, but he lives by them. Foolish it may be, on occasion. But in the main it is the only way to live. We are what we say, only so long as our words are iron.‘
– Tenaka Khan, to Ingis, The King Beyond the Gate
‘If you tell the same lie often enough for long enough, then eventually it can become the truth.’
– Hektor, to Odysseus, Fall of Kings
‘The truth is a many-costumed whore. Seems to me she will offer a man valid reasons for any deed, no matter how ghastly.‘
– Odysseus, to Helikaon, Lord of the Silver Bow
‘The philosophers often talked of lies sitting on the tongue like salted honey. This was true enough. But more often the hidden truth was worse. Far worse. For it settled in the belly and grew to engulf the spirit.‘
– Serbitar, to himself, Legend
‘Truth and falsehood are two different beasts, as different as the lion and the lizard. They are complex animals and they share many of the same features – they both have four legs, two eyes, and a tail. Yet you cannot mistake the one for the other. I know the truth when I see it, and I know the lie.‘
– Odysseus, to Hektor, Fall of Kings