Tag Archives: The Damned


‘Evil will always have the worst weapons. Evil will gather the greatest armies. They will burn, and plunder and kill. But that’s not the worst of it. They will try to make us believe that the only way of destroying them is by becoming them. That is the true vileness of evil. It is contagious.’

Druss, to Stavut, The Swords of Night and Day

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You listen to me. There will always be men who select their friends for reasons of advancement, either socially, militarily or politically. They will tell you to avoid a certain man’s company because he is out of favour, or his family is poor. Or, indeed, because his life is lived in a manner some people find unbecoming. As a soldier I judge my men by what they can do. By how much guts they have. When it comes to friends all that matters is whether I like them.

Decado, to Skilgannon, White Wolf