‘I learned at my father’s knee that a man is judged not by his words or by his principles, or even by his wit. He is judged by his actions.‘
– Owen Odell, Morningstar
‘I learned at my father’s knee that a man is judged not by his words or by his principles, or even by his wit. He is judged by his actions.‘
– Owen Odell, Morningstar
‘Never, in anger, say what you don’t mean. Words can be sharper than knives, and the wounds sometimes never heal.‘
– Molaire, to Skilgannon, White Wolf
‘I have found in my life that there are few actions which are unforgivable. And there are no words said that carry such a penalty.’
– Vintar, to Rek, Legend
‘Words are all we have to describe how we feel, what we need from one another. Without them how would we teach the young, or express our hopes for future generations to read?’
– Sieben, to Druss, The Legend of Deathwalker